Far-East Asian Toxoplasma isolates share ancestry with American recombinant lineages【Nat Commun.】
本論文は、Nature Communicationsに、5月22日に公開されました。
【 詳細はこちら(大阪大学ResOU) 】
Using the innovative analysis tool POPSICLE, a research team led by Masahiro Yamamoto (RIMD/CiDER/WPI-IFReC, Osaka University) analyzed the whole genome structure of Toxoplasma gondii originating from Japan and China. They revealed that the highly virulent Toxoplasma population in Japan has undergone unique genetic admixture with lineages from Eurasia and the Americas.
Title:Far-East Asian Toxoplasma isolates share ancestry with North and South/Central American recombinant lineages
Authors:Fumiaki Ihara, Hisako Kyan, Yasuhiro Takashima, Fumiko Ono, Kei Hayashi, Tomohide Matsuo, Makoto Igarashi, Yoshifumi Nishikawa, Kenji Hikosaka, Hirokazu Sakamoto, Shota Nakamura, Daisuke Motooka, Kiyoshi Yamauchi, Madoka Ichikawa-Seki, Shinya Fukumoto, Motoki Sasaki, Hiromi Ikadai, Kodai Kusakisako, Yuma Ohari, Ayako Yoshida, Miwa Sasai, Michael E. Grigg, and Masahiro Yamamoto